Simulating Crashworthiness with Life-Like Visualizations

Automotive manufacturers must design for several factors, but paramount among these is occupant safety. Ideally, a vehicle would go for its entire lifespan without ever experiencing a crash, but realistically, accidents happen. If a car is designed for optimal crashworthiness, however, its occupants are much more likely to walk away from the accident unharmed. Over […]
Abaqus Features New AMG-Based Iterative Solver

In every industry, products are becoming more complex, and thus simulation must become more detailed and comprehensive in order to predict their behavior. Whether that product is a car or a blender, the key to understanding its performance – before a physical model is fabricated – is creating digital continuity, in a virtual environment, with […]
Multiscale Materials Modeling with SIMULIA

The world of materials is a much more complex one than many people realize. Materials are the building blocks of all products, but before they can be incorporated, they need to be created. Designing and generating a new material takes a lot of complex work. Materials are designed and synthesized at both the nano and […]
Using Simulation to Ensure a Smooth, Quiet Ride

Many aspects must be taken into consideration when deciding on a new vehicle, but passenger comfort is a major issue. Beyond needing comfortable seats and leg room, the average car owner needs a car that drives smoothly and quietly, without excess noise and vibration. For manufacturers, the problem of noise, vibration and harshness, or […]
Additive Manufacturing Simulations: Any Machine, Any Process, Any Material

Additive manufacturing simulations are key in assessing a finished part’s quality. The physics behind the manufacturing process can be accurately recreated in software platforms enabling end to end digitalization – predicting residual stresses, voids, cracks, and so on, factors which will be crucial in the service life of a part. In an article by SIMULIA‘s Subham […]
Future Outlook: Taking Urban Traffic to the Skies

By the end of this century some 80 to 90 percent of the people on this planet will be living in cities, according to a report issued by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The current world population of 7.6 billion is predicted to reach 8.6 billion by the year 2030, […]
5G Evolution and Emerging Applications

5G technology is starting to appear in a few cities and on a few consumer devices, and the phrase itself is stirring up excitement across consumers and industries. It’s also generating some popular concerns around safety issues. What exactly is 5G and how and where will it impact our daily lives? Most people understand that […]
Electromagnetic Analysis on Microwave and Antennas

Σε συνεργασία με την Dassault Systèmes/CST διοργανώνουμε το εκπαιδευτικό σεμινάριο “Electromagnetic Analysis on Microwave and Antennas“ Το σεμινάριο θα έχει διάρκεια 2 ημερών και θα περιλαμβάνει τα εξής: Basic and Advanced Parametric Modeling CAD Import and Parameterization Solver Overview and Help Overview MW/RF Applications using Different Solvers Antenna Simulations including Detailed Farfield Postprocessing Antenna Matching Network in CST DESIGN […]
Unlocking secrets of the world’s oldest computer

repost from : What would you guess to be the age of the world’s first computer? 50 years old? 100? Would you believe nearly 2000 years old? An ancient artifact, dubbed the Antikythera Mechanism, was discovered in 1900 by Greek sponge divers who located a shipwreck at the bottom of the Mediterranean sea, near the […]
Powertrain Structural Performance

Repost from : A vehicle relies on numerous components and systems to run properly, but one of the most critical systems is the powertrain, which is composed of the engine and all of the components for the transmission of power to the wheel. A well-designed powertrain can improve the efficiency and performance of […]